Questions about the recent color change on Strawberry PediaSure® Grow & Gain? Click here to learn more.

Creamy Chocolate Ice Pops

Makes: 4 Servings

Total Time: 10 minutes


  • 2 8 fl oz bottles / 2 cups PediaSure® Grow and Gain Chocolate
  • 1 envelope whipped topping
  • 4 5 oz paper cups or ice pop molds
  • 4 ice pop sticks or plastic spoons


In a bowl, combine bottles of PediaSure Grow and Gain Chocolate with whipped topping. Beat on high speed using an electric mixer until it thickens. Spoon mixture into cups or ice‐pop molds. Put an ice-pop stick or plastic spoon through the center of each mixture for a handle. Freeze until firm, about 4 hours. Remove bars from mold or tear off paper cup before serving.

Can be made with:

Grow & Gain Chocolate